Cutrine® Plus

Algaecide and Herbicide

Effective control of planktonic and filamentous algae

Cutrine® Plus Algaecide and Herbicide effectively controls a broad range of algae, specifically surface filamentous and planktonic algae including: Cyanobacteria, Green algae, Golden algae and diatoms, Filamentous Green Algae and Chara and Nitella as well as the rooted aquatic plant, Hydrilla verticillata.
  • Visible reduction in algae growth 1 – 2 days after application
  • Double chelated formula prevents the precipitation of copper with carbonates and bicarbonates in the water
  • Works in ‘hard’ water
  • Ideal for algae on the surface or in the water column – use Cutrine® Plus Granular Algaecide for deeper waters or on bottom-growing algae

Pond scum. Green Algae. Planktonic Algae. Pond moss. Blue-green algae. Diatoms. String Algae. Filamentous Algae. Benthic Algae.

Known by many names, algae can take on many forms. Cutrine® Plus Algaecide shows fast results on most types of algae.

Before & After

Algae control the professionals use.

Before Cutrine Plus
After Cutrine Plus

Water Care Solutions

As the lake and pond care experts for over 50 years, we are dedicated to providing complete solutions for your water.